This kitchen has been worked on little by little since we moved in six months ago. Honestly I thought we would never finish it, it's a good thing we have Brady's determination and my dad's mad skills.
We also gave this hideous door a little makeover

Here's a little list of everything we've done in here:
1. All new floors. We did the same floor throughout the entire first level minus the bathroom.
2. Painted the walls and ceiling. We did this throughout the entire house.
3. Painted the cabinets and added new hardware.
4. Put in a new sink and faucet. When we moved in there was a normal stainless steel sink that was pretty stained and a faucet that leaked and was also stained. We put in an apron front (farmhouse) copper sink and a faucet that had been left in the house when we moved in. It looks like it had been used as a display, but all the pieces were there and it worked perfect. Score!
5. Put in new countertops. The countertops before were an off white formica with fake wood accents. I wanted to do butcher block counters but couldn't find the ones I wanted for a reasonable price so Brady came up with the genius idea for these counters. We used 2 x 6's and screwed them down on top of the formica countertops and finished them to look like the ones I was wanting for 1/10th of the price. Score again!